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Contact forms for blogger blogspot blogs

Want to add a contact form for blogger blog? Like blogger widgets contact form also important for all blogger blogs to connect and better interact with blog visitors .There are many free contact forms  from simple to advanced for blogspot blogs .Here's the list

 1.Contactify:A simple contact form with spam protection feature.On signing up you can create a contactify link and post it on the blog.When anyone clicks  the link it takes to the contactify link page ..

2.Emailmeform:Allows customization and generates HTML code.

3.123contactform:Provides you many templates to custmize your conatact form.You create contact form and generate html code.
4.For more contact forms visit themli's blog post:contact forms for blogger here

1 comment:

  1. Be ware of using emailmeform!!!

    One of emailmeform owners, James Salganov, is a dishonest person. He purchased the website from Alexandru Marias, and sold it to Harrison Hung, without paying the money he was to pay to Alexandru Marias.
    The conflict between James Salganov ( past owner ) and Alexandru Marias ( developer of the service who has not been paid ) might affect the site badly, as there is a bigh trust issue in the middle
